Weekly Online & In-Person Awareness Through Movement Classes with Doron

Zoom Online Lessons:

Monday at 12:30 Wednesday at 7PM

In-Person Class:

Thursday at 4PM at Westbeth in the West Village

Welcome to my site!

If you want to make a shift in your life, to experience a more authentic, true-to-yourself way of being, if you wish you could move in a more relaxed, powerful, and integrated way; if you want to move more intelligently, more freely, if you want to improve your skeletal alignment, or your gait, it would be my pleasure to work with you.



Functional Integration lessons of the Feldenkrais Method (“FI”) are private one-on-one lessons. Typically, I use extremely gentle, guiding touch, exploring comfortable, slow, gentle movement. People experience these FI’s as soothing and relaxing (please read some of my testimonials.) Some people prefer more interactive lessons, with more verbal discussion and analysis. Some people enjoy “homework” (mini Awareness Through Movement lessons,) for training and exploring on their own. It’s always a very free-form style of learning.
It’s important to note that for most people, it takes a series of lessons to begin to make a meaningful “shift” that feels more long-lasting. And that is why I am offering the discounted series of 5 or 10 FI’s (please see below.)
I teach in Manhattan (Union Square) and in Westchester (Hastings on Hudson.)
.I do online (Zoom) FI’s too.

Private One-On-One Functional Integration Sessions


Functional Integration (FI) 1 Hour ......................................$200.........
Functional Integration (FI) home visit 1 Hour ............$250..........................
(in New York City & Westchester)
A Package of 5 FI's ..........................................................................$850 ........................
(at $170/per - total savings of $150)
A Package of 10 FI's ...................................................................$1,500............................  
(at $150/per - total savings of $500)


Please note that I offer Functional Integration lessons using Skype or Zoom, which especially come in handy at a time when some people prefer to stay home and avoid physical contact.

Awareness Through Movement (“ATM”) group lessons of the Feldenkrais Method are designed to playfully investigate certain basic functional movements. Each lesson is focused on a different theme, typically centered around a basic daily function such as walking, or getting up or down from the floor. It is an hour long journey into better organization and comfortable movement.

“My favorite Back Pain Relief Feldenkrais Lesson”




Weekly Online Feldenkrais Classes with Doron

Monday at 12:30 Wednesday at 7pm

Weekly In-Person Feldenkrais Classes with Doron
Westbeth Community Room in the West Village
Thursday at 4:00pm
Email: Doron@flexible-brain.com Text/Phone: 917-676-6474
All class schedules are subject to change without general notice
Please inform me of any injuries or conditions in your registration email. Thank you!


Steve Clorfeine, Writer, Director, Teacher, Performer

I’ve been studying with Doron for 7 years, both in ATM classes and privately. Since March when we went onto Zoom, I’ve been taking classes twice a week and my attention to and enactment of the movements has grown exponentially. Doron’s way of presenting is generous, specific and very personal, all of which enable a great learning environment.

Darlene Carman, Yoga and Somatic Movement, CSE, CYI

Doron Receiving ATM lessons with Doron has been an extraordinary experience which has enhanced my own personal movement as well as my teaching.  I discovered Doron at the start of Covid, most likely one of our biggest constraints in history. His guidance and his ability to navigate through these changing times has given me a much deeper connection with  gentle effective movement. His kind  and insightful attention provides a safe learning environment that gives you permission to go at your own pace.  Doron is a true master at what he does, he is humble, approachable and always learning. Thanks to Doron I now have more skills to bring to my students as well as myself, and I no longer carry around a cranky hip :) Doron is a rare find, one of those life changing teachers.

Patrice Adcroft,Former Editorial Director Discover Magazine

Doron Tadmor's Talent, skill, intuition and kindness have helped appreciably in my struggle with chronic degenerative illness. He has helped both with pain management and with general body strength. Nerves on fire, bruised muscles and overall weakness have been improved by both his visits and instructions. He is masterful in listening to the human body and teaching others to tap one's own healing powers.

Eddie A.

A couple of weeks back I spasmed my back during a morning workout. Every time I had done this in the past, it has taken at least a week to recover. But this time, using Feldenkrais principles and hearing Doron in my mind asking me to 'play'  with the movement, to explore what makes it better, what makes it worse, to make it smaller, simpler, and smoother,  to focus on comfort and safety... The sharp pain subsided almost immediately.  By the evening it was a dull ache. By the next day, I had recovered about 90% of my mobility. Needless to say, I'm very grateful for what I've learned from this method and the gentle teacher who teaches it.

Laurie Gross, Bronx ,NY

When I took my first Feldenkreis class with Doron a few years ago, I was totally surprised and amazed by my experience. It started with the gentlest head rolling movement while lying supine on the floor. The instructions were to roll your head so slowly that you might be just thinking you’re rolling it. I remember that at that moment, for the first time in my life I felt the nooks and crannies of my head and learned which way it rolled easier. I found it thrilling, and that experience began a new connection to my body, helping me discover and enjoy improved, more comfortable movements. I attribute Feldenkreis to a complete cure for my back that had bothered me off and on for years. Now that I have taken many more lessons with Doron, I know him to be a kind, caring and extremely knowledgeable Feldenkreis teacher. I highly recommend his classes to anyone interested in learning and benefiting from the Feldenkreis Method of Somatic Education.

Roger S. Berkowitz

I have practiced Feldenkrais weekly for 24 years with five amazing practitioners, each recommended by the other. With a chronic back condition, Feldenkrais keeps me mobile and pain free; moreover, it has changed my life for the better, opening up new possibilities for thinking and living. In two years of working with Doron, I have found him to be truly exceptional and gifted. In these two years I have been more consistently pain free than at any time in the last 25 years. His work is as powerful as it is subtle. I cannot recommend him highly enough.

Frances Siegel

Doron is intelligent, multitalented, a skilled communicator. Highly well trained; he clearly loves and is devoted to his work. He combines all this with a generosity of spirit, sincere interest and sensitivity towards the individual needs and unique learning processes of his students. I have benefited from Doron's extraordinary Awareness Through Movement lessons for the past five years.

His classes take place in a safe, relaxed learning atmosphere which he fosters with his calm, mature authority, and light touch. Except for a few of us Doron’s students were new to Feldenkrais work but are now part of his on-going and ever-growing following. Whenever class ends I see mirrored on faces or hear expressed, the comfort and self discovery he has enabled us to experience.

I am honored to share what I know of this especially gifted teacher who demonstrates so much of what inspires me about teaching and learning, as an educator for over 30 years and long time Feldenkrais student.


Ze'eva Cohen, dancer, choreographer, Professor Emerita, Princeton University

Doron Tadmor is the rare teacher whose method of mind/body integration helps tremendously in reducing stress and pain in ways that are highly effective. He is a rare teacher in using uncommon methods that stimulate self learning in re-patterning how we think about our bodies and moving through space in the way of least resistance. Leaving his classes with lighter, pain free body and new ways of moving that seemed blocked or impossible, is a gift of immense importance to his students.

Charlie Russell

Through Doron's gentle and insightful guidance I relearned simple movements that were less stressful and taxing on parts my body that experienced chronic pain. The experience improved my quality of life by teaching me to re-think and ultimately relearn some of my most basic movements that I had taken for granted - movements such as sitting up. I always looked forward to my lessons with Doron as I always learned something new, and integrated the movements we practiced in our lessons in my day to day life. My experience with Doron and Feldenkrais provided me with an awareness of my body's movements that I lacked before or simply took for granted.

Dan Mason, Actor, Director, Teacher

I constantly feel a better sense of movement and control and less neuropathic pain after Doron Tadmor's Zoom Feldenkrais sessions. I take his Monday Standing/Chair lessons out of necessity by cell phone which means I only hear him rather than see him. The experience is very satisfying and complete nonetheless.
Doron is extraordinarily clear and experienced in his teachings. I marvel that he so generously does what he does so well.
I walk better and have better balance and manage to be getting up from a sitting position more easily after these standing sessions. His instruction is careful and clear and always brings subtle positive results.

Dina Sasonkin

Moishy is a two-year old quadruple amputee, who spends many hours a day in therapy with therapists who are busy teaching him what to do. Doron gives Moishy and his body the tools and abilities to learn themselves. My favorite memory is of the time that both Doron and the PT were working on the stairs. The PT put Moishy in front of a flight of stairs and said "take your right foot, pick it up and put it on the step. Good. No not like that. And now the left foot." Wah! Wah! After two steps Moishy was crying and frustrated. Doron brought Moishy to a flight of stairs and sat behind him. Moishy looked, turned, thought about it, and went forward. Then he came back for secure grounding. All the while with Doron right behind him encouraging and offering security but not guiding or even touching him. At the end of that session Moishy was HALFWAY up a flight of stairs!

Diana W, NYC

In Fall 2011, I had the good fortune of receiving a friend's recommendation to see Doron Tadmor, described to me as a "highly-skilled" Feldenkrais practitioner, to explore a new way of healing and loosening up the mobility of my right shoulder, which I injured a few months earlier while practicing a yoga pose.

Doron made a most striking difference in my healing process, not only through his concerted expertise and obvious passion for his profession, but also through his patience and compassion. He possesses a brilliant knack for tapping into the body-mind's unconscious healing resources, guiding one to guide one's own body to heal itself, thereby igniting the inner magic of the body's natural, innate healing powers.

I would highly recommend Doron's healing methods to anyone even mildly curious about how to improve the body's innate kinetic activities, not to mention to anyone urgently needing to heal from an injury and pain.


Jonathan Rubinstein

If you are not familiar with the Feldenkrais method, there is no better way to learn than with Doron. He is empathic, engaging, meticulous and specific.

Leila Mustachi

Although I have had a really good university education after majoring in science in high school with three years of biology, it took Doron's classes to awaken me for the first time, now overweight in my late 70s, to my own skeleton. Feldenkreis is, indeed, awareness through movement, from the brain through the nervous system to bones all connecting to each other. As Doron leads me slowly, gently, in small, focused increments, encouraging me to neither judge nor exert effort, I discover where the movement begins and how it naturally flows smoothly through other parts of my framework. I finish the class in a state of surprise of how it all worked, marvelling at the gift and poetry of my own body, more appreciative of the genius of Moshe Feldenkreis, and filled with gratitude for Doron's classes. I never miss one if I can help it.

I have been interested in movement arts since my teenage years in Israel when I studied Shorinji Ryu (Karate.) After my Film & TV Undergraduate studies at NYU, I started a 15-year career as a motion graphics producer. The demanding daily grind of TV production highlighted old and new physical limitations and brought into awareness inefficiencies in my physical self-use centering mainly around my spine. While searching for a more intelligent and intuitive approach I discovered the soft and internal martial art of Tai Chi Chuan, and concurrently, the subtle and gentle approach of the Alexander Technique. 20 years ago, while searching for ways to diminish chronic pains and improve daily functioning I had experienced a Functional Integration® lesson of the Feldenkrais Method®. It was highly effective, not only in helping me recover faster, but there was another, entirely unexpected, powerful process that started during the lesson and just kept going! Most importantly, it was great fun too. The idea of becoming a Feldenkrais practitioner didn’t even seem viable at the time. A couple of years later, when training was introduced to me as a real option, it seemed like a far-fetched fantasy...





Norman Doidge, M.D.
Remarkable discoveries and recoveries from the frontiers of neuroplasticity.
• Thebrainthathealsitself
• Thebrain’swayofhealing

New York Times / Jane Brody
Trying the feldenkrais method for chronic pain

Andrew Weil, M.D.
What is the feldenkrais method

Dr. Michael Merzenich
On Neuroscience, Learning and the FELDENKRAIS METHOD(R)
www.youtube.com Dr. Michael Merzenich

Margaret Mead, PhD, Anthropologist
"This is the most sophisticated and effective method I have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration of function. We're condemning millions of people to a deteriorated old age that's not necessary."

Karl Pribram, M.D.
Neuroscientist, Stanford Univ .
Winner of the Havel Prize Neuroscience
"Feldenkrais is not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself."

A Documentary
on the Feldenkrais Method


Feldenkrais with Baby Liv

Professor Dorit Aharonov
A Feldenkrais Lesson for the Beginner Scientist:

Jeff Haller, PhD, Feldenkrais Trainer
Remarkable discoveries and recoveries from the frontiers of neuroplasticity.
• Thebrainthathealsitself
• Thebrain’swayofhealing
www.youtube.com Jeff Haller, PhD

Mia Segal
Feldenkrais Demonstration with Andrew

Jacek Paszkowski
The Feldenkrais Method TED

Ruthy Alon Movement Nature Meant www.youtube.com

Dennis Leri
Feldenkrais and Judo


Washington Post / Lisa Rein
different way to relieve years of back pain


Annie Thoe
Feldenkrais® Practitioner & Assistant , Feldenkrais®, Trainer Feldenkrais®, Functional Activities for People with Stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


Master Teacher Mia Segal
Teaching A Feldenkrais Basic Training


More Books Written by Moshe Feldenkrais:

1. The Case of Nora / Body Awareness as Healing Therapy
(My favorite - A case study)
2. Awareness Through Movement
(Best introduction to the Feldenkrais method)
3. The Potent Self
A Study of Spontaneity and Compulsion
4. The Elusive Obvious
The Convergence Of Movement, Neuroplasticity and Health
5. Body And Mature Behavior
A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation & Learning
6. Embodied Wisdom
The Collected Papers of Moshe Feldenkrais
Books written by other Feldenkrais teachers:

1. The Feldenkrais Method / Teaching By Handling
By Yochanan Rywerant
2. Moshe Feldenkrais: A Life In Movement
By Mark Reese (A Biography)
3. MIndful Spontaneity / Returning to Natural Movement
By Ruthy Alon
4. The Intelligence of Moving Bodies
By Carl Ginsburg & Lucia Schuette-Ginsburg
5. MIndful Spontaneity / Returning to Natural Movement
By Ruthy Alon
6. The Art of Slowing Down / A Sense-able Approach to Running Faster
By Edward Yu
7. Child Space
By Chava Shelhav
8. Running with the Whole Body
By Jack Heggie
Other Inspiring Books:
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice
By Shunryu Suzuki
“The goal of practice is always to keep our beginner’s mind.”
“A mind full of preconceived ideas, subjective intentions, or habits it not open to things as they are.”
Anatomy of Movement
By Blandine Calais-Germain
In An Unspoken Voice
By Peter A. Levine, PhD
Your Inner Fish
By Neil Shubin
The Thinking Body
By Mabel E. Todd